How old is your child? And when you say Colic what do you mean? Many children who are considered "colic" actually have severe reflex. Does your child throw their head back and arch their back and cry? Does he/she projectal vomit? Does nothing seem to work to stop him/her from crying in pain? I ask these questions because my son had severe reflex, my month old nephew has it, and my best friend has her sons who have it. Now a majority of babies have reflex but there are a few who have it severe and doctors do not know much about it (this is fairly new).
All of the above children had to have ZANTAC. My son was off of it at one year. I do not like to give my children medicine and do not give them medicine when they are sick, unless it is really bad. They fight fevers off on their own unless it is extremely high. So it took a lot for me to give my son this drug. But let me tell you it was wonderful. He wasn't crying in pain in more, he was comfortable and could hold down his food. It was as if he was a completely different little man. So you might want to look into that.
If he does have reflex then you want to elevate the head of the crib/bassinet. Put a small book UNDER the mattress to help elevate him (this will help him sleep better). Also reflex babies sleep better on their stomaches and it is actually better for them. There is a wonderful hold that can be done that will help too. Face the child outward and scrunch him/her up as if they are a football. They are going to fight at first, but start to bounce slightly and that will help. This is a wonderful hold and it works on gassy babies.
Now if your child is just gassy, I lived on the infant gas drops with my third son. He was the gassest baby ever. I was up at CVS every 3 days buying more! You can also use Gripe Water to help (you can find this in drug stores as well). Also taking them outside sometimes just helps the fussiness go away.
If your little one is under 6 weeks or just getting to 6 weeks, give him/her another week. Usually the fussiness goes away around 6/7 weeks of age.
Also this is going to sound crazy, but my sister-in-law said that when my nephew is crying (even if he is in pain) she can run the vacuum cleaner and he calms down. Might try that!
Good luck and I hope this helps a little.