I know it's been awhile since you posted this, but I just saw it and I have to respond. I am a nother of five and a Christian. Mu husband and I desire the same for our children; to turn them to God. We go to our church every time the doors are open and we are very active in the ministries of our church. Our children know and see this (for example,we teach the "children's church" twice a month) so we pray that our living example and the living examles of those around them will help to guide our children to God. But it takes more than that. I think our children need to see the joy God can bring into our lives. If we as their parents seem to serve God grudgingly, then why would anyone, even our own kids, want what we have? To many people prefessing to be "christians" are gloomy and angry and depressing to be around. I am not saying that nothing is worth being sad about just beacuse we trust God, certainly their are trials and tribulations even in the Christian life that will bring us down. But joy (or the absense of it) is something that is in our foundation. It comes form our deepest part and manifests itself in our everyday lives. When we get cut off when we are driving or when the person in line in fornt of us is taking FOREVER to write her check, our aditudes reflect whether we have this joy or not. I think our children seeing this and growing up watching us serve God JOYFULLY will help in turning them to Him. They are watching us. They see whether we mean it or not.
Haning said all that, I will also add, that it is also important to protest them from a little bit of the world. When they are young it is easy to do. We just don't watch that movie or don't listen to that song, but as they grow older it;s much harder to "shelter" them (as i'm struggling with right now in our lives). This is when we rely on all those years of example and teaching we have had with them and pray they are turned toward God now. Roght now, we have 5 kids ages 3-14 adn so we are dealing with this for every age group it seems. So easy to tell my 5 year old daughter,'we don't play with Bratz dolls because we want to dress like a nice little girl and those dolls are trying to be sexy", but not so easy to tell my 14 year old boy, "no, you can't see that movie because...(fill in the blank)". At this point we pray hat he is already turned toward God, and will understand and agree with us. So far, it has worked. This doesn't mean that they are not enticed by the things the world has to offer, of course they are! And sometimes they are even disappionted, but ultimately they agree. And that's because all the other adults and families (including us) in their lives and that we we spend our free time with, lives their lives with their eyes turned upon Him. Our kids have MANY friends whose families feel like we do (that we want our kids to be turned onto God), so when they are with these friend, there isn't any pressure to be like the world.
I know this is too long and i rambled and I hope it makes sense. I will say one last bit of advice, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Pray fpr wisdom and courage to say no when you need to. It isn't easy, that's for sure. Good luck!