Help Traveling Overseas with Infant

Updated on September 18, 2009
S.M. asks from Cottage Grove, MN
18 answers

I am looking for advice during travel overseas with a 6 month old.
My husband, baby and I are traveling overseas. My first connecting fly is 3 hrs and the next one is 5 hrs. My baby boy is traveling for the first time and he is going to be in my lap.I am concern about his behavior, if he does not fall asleep and gets tired or bored, or cries, what do you do to not bother the rest of the passengers. What about a #2 diaper situation? What is best, wait until I arrive and have a stinky diaper during the fly or manage to change him in the seat? (no way I can fit with him in the airplane restroom)
Any ideas, tips? I am getting anxious, even though the trip is until next month.
Thank you,

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So What Happened?

Thank you everyone for your wonderful advise.
The trip went fabulous, my son was happy during the 4 flights. We were super lucky to have someone who loves children sitting next to us in one of the flights, and in the other trips we had empty seat.
My worse concern happened. My son had a really bad dirty diaper, so bad my husband and I had to change all his clothes between both of us. One of the flight attendants was kinda upset about the smell in the bathroom but no one else complained. In fact everyone seemed to like my son, because he was smiling at everybody and happy playing with his toys.
Overall, I am not afraid of flying with babies again. He did so great that not even the ear pressure bothered him, he would fall asleep in the way up and in the way down.
Again, thank you all for your support!

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answers from Minneapolis on

I can only offer a sugestion with the bm diaper. They have sented bags (I found mine at babiesrus) that you can put the diaper in and they hide all the smell.
Good luck with the flight.

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answers from Minneapolis on


I'm a little jealous of you actually! Six month olds are still fairly pleasant to fly with (usually) we took two four hour flights with my toddler when he was six and nine months old and he was great. I did change messy diapers in the restroom. It was a little cramped but it's doable. Make sure he's hungry enough to take a bottle or breast when you take off and land and bring what you'd normally bring for any long day out. Extra clothes, lots of diapers and wipes, baby motrin, diaper rash ointment and maybe teething gel.

I don't know where you're going overseas but some countries might not have the same brands of OTC medications or creams so bring plenty if you're at all concerned about availability. That includes formula if he uses it (I have a friend who went to Italy, didn't pack enough formula and couldn't find a match she was happy with). Also if you're traveling with your breast pump in your checked luggage be aware your bag will be searched and don't lock it or anything.

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answers from Madison on

Many airplane restrooms have a small changing table that flips down from the wall. It's pretty cramped, but no one will be happy with you changing your baby at your seat!

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answers from Rochester on

I haven't read all of the posts, but I agree with almost all of the others' ideas. (Be careful with giving a med to make your son sleepy. With some kids it works the opposite and makes them hyper!) You will definately want to change any diapers (especially stinky ones!). The bathrooms are tight, but there are changing tables so it is possible to change a diaper in there. Please don't let your son just stay in a stinky diaper. The last time we flew I was pregnant and someone near us left their child in a stinky diaper. The smell made me really sick to my stomach, others around us were complaining, and the flight attendant had to try and figure out where the smell was coming from and convince the mother to change the diaper. It made for a very uncomfortable couple of hours for me and others around us.

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answers from Davenport on

I started traveling with my kids at 6-7 months also overseas.
I did this:
-gave a small bottle of juice to him on take off and landing (for less ear pressure)
-brought little snacks and toys
-tried to keep to their schedule
-played and played
Also in the bathroom there is a fold down changing area. So you don't have to do it at your seat. There are diaper disposal bags you can buy that trap the smell and they work.
I hope some of this is a help. Good luck and enjoy your trip.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I traveled to Europe with a 10 month old and bought a separate seat for her so we took up the whole row. I brought her car seat and although it was a pain to carry around between flights, it was a lifesaver on the plane. It was familiar and cozy to her, so she slept most of the 10 hr flight. Although a 5 month old is significantly smaller, I personally wouldn't hold them for an overseas flight. And yes, you can change them in the bathroom. I did it with no problems. Just bring a changing pad, maybe one of those roll up oversized ones. Don't do it in the seat. That's discourteous to the other passengers.

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answers from Des Moines on

On our last overseas flight, there was a couple with a baby under a year old. When they needed to change his diaper, both mom and dad went to the restroom. One parent was in the restroom with the baby and the other one stood right outside with the door open with all the necessities...diaper, wipes, etc. to hand to the one who was actually changing the diaper. I'm sure this helped with the space issue.

Also, I'm not sure what the rules are, but can you bring an infant carseat just in case there is an open seat?

Good luck and enjoy your trip!!!

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answers from Des Moines on

First of all. Don't worry. We've all travelled with kids and in the end we end up worrying much more than is needed. I recently travelled by myself with a 2 and 4 year old on a 10 hour trip. I worried for months, but in the end, they were fine and the time flies by because you are completely occupied!

Are you still breast feeding? If so, just latch him on when he gets cranky. If not, have your bottles handy and some good sucking toys. A great one is this little hand held mesh net with handle that you can put fresh apple or pear in. My kids sucked on that forever!

Bring your cuddly, or baby bjiorn if you have one. Mine always fell asleep in that. You can stand and bounce him til he falls asleep. Otherwise, I used the "hippychick" when mine were too big for the cuddly.

Also, ask for, or book ahead of time, the bulkhead seats which have the option of a bassinet to hook to the wall in front of you. A life saver!

I always changed my kids in the restroom. It's a squeeze, but I didn't want to put people out with the smell of a no. 2. If you really don't fit, don't wait til you land, just change him! Explain to your neighbour. Hopefully they'll understand. If not, you'll never see them again!

Hope this was of help! Good luck!

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answers from Omaha on

My son and his wife have flown home 2x's from Japan to Nebraska. Once when the baby was 2 months and then again at 8 months. They did pay for an extra seat because it was more comfortable to let her sleep and they kept her busy when she didn't. Having a bottle or pacifer will be of great use during the take off and landings which his hard on the babies ears. It takes them approximately 18 hours to fly home and definately take enough diapers etc to make her comfortable. I would make sure to change the baby when they need changing, makes them more comfortable. I have no clue how they did it but they said it wasn't that difficult. Good Luck

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answers from Minneapolis on

Try to get him a seat. Call the airline with your flight, you can likely get a seat for 1/2 price. Flying overseas with a lap baby will likely make you and your husband both crazy, you will be passing back and forth, whoever is holding him when he falls asleep won't be able to sleep, and if you do sleep wiht him sleeping on your lap, you will likely drop him in the chance of turbulence.

I have traveled extensively with my children both alone and with my husband or mom. Please don't change your childs diaper in the seat. Not only is that totally discourteous to other passengers, but the whole airplane will smell of it because of the air circulating. There is plenty of room in the bathroom, there is a changing table that drops down from on top of the toilet (much like the Koala Care ones in restrooms), so please go use those.

Bring an extra change of clothes or two, his pacifiers, a lovey, diapers, wipes, and a changing pad. If he's nursing, you will be all set to nurse him at takeoff. If he's bottlefed, bring his formula and let him eat at takeoff.

Lastly, relax and be prepared.

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answers from Des Moines on

The long-haul overseas flights sometimes have bigger restrooms, so there may be a changing area behind the toilet. Ask the flight attendant.

Otherwise, I have changed poopy diapers in an airplane seat before. A six-month-old usually isn't too squirmy (would be a lot more challenging with a toddler). You don't want to wait hours and hours until you arrive--your baby will have a very red bottom if you do.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Whatever you do - do not change him in the airplane seat as you stated above. That is a sure way to get a lot of people mad and upset. I was on a flight once a year ago when that exact thing happened and there was major uproar with the passengers and even the flight attendant scolded the mother for doing that. It is possible to change a diaper in the bathroom of an airplane. I changed a 2 year old's diaper while I was 7 months pregnant. You will figure out a way to do it. As for general travel with a 6 month old, ask your doctor if you can give him motrin before the flight. It will help with ear pain. Also nurse or bottle feed on take off and landing to prevent ear pressure pain. Bring books to look at with him a some simple small toys. Sing softly to him and he will most likely fall asleep in your arms. Have fun.

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answers from Minneapolis on

We fly w/ our twins all the time - it's not as hard as you think:

1) the scented bags for dirty diapers are a godsend. they are blue and are on a little roll and can also be found at target
2) we started flying w/ our kids prior to the no meds for under 2 ... and our dr. told us to use a small amount of the liquid decongestant 20 mins prior to take off. we've done that for 2.5 years and have never had an issue - highly recommend it as babies are prone to getting ear infections from flights.

3) definitely send your husband down first w/ all your bags, etc. and then board the plane last. while you're waiting do a last diaper change and double diaper for added security.

4)the warning from another poster to pack 2X in your carry on bag re: food, clothes, etc. is dead on YOU WILL NEED IT :)

5) Wait until you are actually taxing down the run way and the nose of the plane is just up in the air before you give your baby the bottle/breast. sometimes you get delayed on the tarmac and there is nothing worse than having your "take off bottle" be gone b/c of a delay.

Good luck!

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answers from Omaha on

If possible, I would seriously consider buying him a seat. I know it's expensive, but it is much safer and easier. He'll feel comfortable and comforted in his seat since he's used to it.

You will be able to change him in the bathroom. It's tight, but doable. I would not change him in the seat and would be pretty disgusted if I were sitting nearby! (Sorry, just being honest!)

We flew frequently with DD when she was that age. That's actually the easiest age to fly with!

Bring a paci if he takes one and make sure he has a bottle or nurses during take off and landing. He may cry, but most passengers will be understand and sympathetic, especially if they see you're trying to calm him!

Good luck! I'd much rather travel with a baby than a toddler or bigger kid! So much easier!

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answers from Minneapolis on

With dirty diapers of either variety, you have every right to sit in the aisle for 3 minutes to change your son, just bring a toy for distraction and a changing pad. The other passengers will thank you for it. If possible, maybe the flight attendants will let you back to the galley and change him there if there are lots of people getting up and such. Don't change his sleep habits a whole lot before the trip, but maybe a day ahead, shorten his naps, Also try and feed him during takeoff/ landing, that will help with the change of pressure in the ears. As for keeping busy, keep a bunch of toys in rotation. don't forget a change or two of clothes in the carry on. I flew with my kids at 5 weeks and 2 1/2 yrs and both slept almost the entire way (3+hrs). Try not to worry about what the other passengers think, if they can't at least understand, it's their problem. Good luck!

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answers from Minneapolis on

I have traveled with three babies quite a bit. It really isn't that bad. 1st, try to get him a seat. It is SOOOOO much easier when they have their own seat. They go into this little Zen place and are so much easier to travel with.

Board the plane last. No sense in sitting any longer than you absolutely must. Bring twice as much food, drinks, diapers and changes of clothes than you think you might need. Flights get delayed, things happen. Plan for needing a LOT of stuff. Bring a change of clothes for you as well. Babies spit up and things spill.

Feed the baby on take off and landing in order to help relieve the pressure on his ears.

Do NOT leave a baby in a dirty diaper and do NOT change a baby in the seat. All airplanes, particularly international flights, have changing tables in the bathrooms. Change the baby there. It is simply rude to change the baby in the seat. Yikes. I have changed both toddlers and infants in the airplane bathroom and yes, it isn't the easiest thing in the world but it is very, very doable.

Bring a sense of humor.

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answers from Madison on

I have family back east, so I've flown with my kids a lot. The recommendations I would have are: don't worry about the other passengers. Most are kind and understanding. I've never flown when at least 2 people didn't say, "I remember those days of flying with little ones." And just ignore the grumpy folks, if they give you looks. You have just as much right to be there as they do, and so does your baby, for that matter! It's easier said than done, but really try not to worry about it. Mildly disturbing a few strangers for a few hours (worst case scenario) isn't the end of the world. Not worth stressing yourself out over.

You can fit in an airplane bathroom with your baby and they even have changing tables there, so that is a non-issue. Airports now have lots of family restrooms with spacious areas to fit strollers, so don't worry about that either.

I just fill a bag with different baby toys - maybe some new ones. Or stash away your baby's favorite toys for a whole week before the trip and s/he will be thrilled to see them again on the plane.

I always nursed during ascent and decent and that helps with the air pressure on the baby's ears. But I'd take passy or even a bottle with some (gasp) sugar water in case they are full so that they can pop their ears in the event that it bothers them.

You'll be fine! The calmer you are, the happier your baby will be.



answers from Minneapolis on

There have been alot of suggestions by others to feed your son or use a pacifier during takeoff and landing to help with ear pressure. After flying frequently with our 2 daughters when they were infants & toddlers, I agree with the advice...with this valuable addition: the painful ear pressure for infants & young children BEGINS when the cabin is pressurized, right after the airplane doors are closed from the jetway. The plane hasn't even moved yet! I learned to be prepared to feed, pacify, and console our girls at that moment. I discovered this after observing them switch from being happy, cheerful & quiet (as we patiently waited to back away from terminal)to fussy, cranky & crying for no obvious reason. Unfortunately, it took several flights before I figured this out, based on the pressure in my own ears! There is some wisdom in NOT feeding at that moment because feeding later may come in handy @ lift off or if you end up waiting a long time on the tarmac. However, I would be prepared to do something to soothe your son if you think it might be his ears. I found that the discomfort passed pretty quickly once they got used to the pressurization. Our daughters are 20 & 18 years old now, so I've been flying for a long time...and I still smile to myself (or wink @ my husband if he's flying with me) when I hear the fussy babies/children on the plane, as we wait to back away from the terminal.

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