Terrible 2's? You will just have to take a lot of deep breaths, you may even have to put yourself in time out till you can deal with her.
She is testing, she is not verbal enough to be able to say what she is feeling.. Help her find the words. "You seem frustrated. You seem angry."
Sometimes giving her choices can help. "Tonight do you want to pick out 2 books or 3 books for me to read to you. Do you wan to listen to this music or that music tonight? "
"We do not hit. If you are angry or frustrated you need to sit down for a little while.".
"Get her an inflatable punching bag and tell her, we do not hit . If you have to hit, hit this punching bag.."
Also since the sun is out longer maybe it seems too bright for her to be getting ready for bed. Maybe you need to get some black out curtains.
(I hung quilts up). We also made sure there was no tv or cell phone calls during bed time, so that our daughter did not feel she was missing out on anything. Your daughter is beginning to put together that after she goes to bed, you are up having parties with out her (ha!).