I am also potty training my 2 yr old. she did really well until she turned 2. at like 1 1/2 she had problems going #2 so I would put her on the big potty and it helped her. Now that her bowells have straightened up and no more problems she is back to hiding and going in her diaper. I think it is bc I have a 1 yr old also. I created a song and she sings. She just doesn't go yet in the big potty. WE sing Poo poo in the potty get a cookie. It worked there for a while then she is stubborn and said no way man I am hiding. So I think it is just a test. I've been told to try a schedule. Everytime you go put him on the potty. Or like every hour or two depending on houw much he drinks. I know you are busy but you have to be consistant. That is my problem with a 2 and 1 yr old who has time for that? lol well good luck to you! He will do it when he is comfortable don't be too hard on him