My son is a thumb sucker.. I tried everything I could think of to stop it , the bitter nail polish, socks, gloves, reminders, hand washing, etc. May people kept telling me that he would grow out of it. Fortunately he has grown out of doing it all the time. We only see it when he is sleepy or sleeping, now I am hopeful he will give it up altogether soon! I have been told by my BIL, who is a dental student, that some dentists say an ace bandage can stop the behavior. You put it around his elbow, tightly, but not to where it is constricting. Place it under a long sleeved shirt, so he can't take it off. While he is wearing it, supposedly it makes it uncomfortable to bend his elbow. It may not stop the behavior, but it may slow it down. It's worth a shot. We will be trying this try at night soon for son. Good Luck! and let us know if you find anything that works.