My grandson did the same thing until my daughterput him in overalls. Try it, it works...They even make them in shorts!
My son is 21 months old, and his newest 'hobby' is to reach into his messy diaper and smear his poo all over. It's the grossest thing and it's driving me CRAZY!! He did it a few months ago, and putting him in onesies helped....until now. He just reaches under his leg now. I've tried to discipline him, give him lukewarm (aka unpleasant) baths....nothing is working! He doesn't try to take his diaper off, he just reaches down/under it. The only thing I can think of is to put him in a sleeper 24/7...but who wants to do that?? It's getting nicer outside!! Anyway, ANY advice would help! I hope he outgrows this sooner than later!
My grandson did the same thing until my daughterput him in overalls. Try it, it works...They even make them in shorts!
I agree that potty training should be happening now. Most children even in the infant arena show signs of going potty in the diaper. When you see this, get the child to the special potty and make a really really big deal of the deed. Eventualy your child will want better praise by showing you he is getting in and doing his deed in the potty and not in the diaper/ pull ups. Also, referring to the pull ups as big boy pants sometimes will give the incentive.
I feel your pain. My daughter was a poo artist too. I put her diaper on backwardss and started potty training early. If it's any help to know shes five and very creative now. Good Luck!
TWO WORDS. DUCT TAPE! Seriously! Or put it on backwards. A lot of kids do this and it is nasty, unhealthy and just gross to clean up! If you catch him really make the point it is a bad thing to do and put him time out immediately! During naptimes and bedtime, duct tape!
If he is reaching in his pants and grabbing a handful of doo-doo batter, he knows what he's done, and what to expect when he puts his hand in there. Start introducing him to the potty. Is he going through naps without wetting himself? He may be ready! As for the cool baths, they should be saved for when he has a faver and they feel good. Punishing a kid with cool baths can mistakenly give them the wrong impression about bathtime. Before you can get him potty trained, overalls do wonders!
You might consider potty training. Toilet Training in a Day claims 90% success with kids his age. I know several moms who swear by it, and one who has done it with all five. It worked well for us.