She is only 3. Don't get caught up in what other kids are doing.
Do what is appropriate for your child.
Also, keep in mind, that kids this age cannot just sit for long periods per attention spans.
When your child gets fidgety... and cries, I would just stop. Its then too much for her.
Doing drills and flashcards and what not, at this age, for even longer than 10-15 minutes, is a lot. And kids all have varying ability for "memorizing" things. Even Kindergarten kids are still learning that stuff.
Plus, you do NOT want her to get turned-off by learning. Nor burnt out.
Don't punish her for it if she starts to get distracted. Just stop the "lesson."
If she rather play with dolls.... then fine. That is NORMAL. Then incorporate "learning" while playing. It does not have to be just sitting down at a desk or table for eternity and getting "quizzed."
Kids this age up until 8 years old... very auditory based in learning... from songs to rhyming etc. Not drills and flashcards.
In preschool, my Daughter's Teachers just spent learning in fun song and rhymes and pictures on the wall. ONLY a couple of minutes per subject. THAT IS ALL. And they played... kids need this. Its normal. That is how they learn too....
She will be learning this stuff in Preschool. She does NOT have to KNOW it "before" Preschool. There are kids of ALL levels in preschool. Don't worry or put this stress on your child.
She already displays "stress" from it. Take her cues.
A kid goes to preschool to learn this stuff. She will and can learn it there. Don't compare her to the other kids.
My son, is 3.5, and he learns while playing. While playing. I don't sit him down and drill him or do workbooks etc. He learns just while we "cook" or play or do regular play things. THAT is how he learned his alphabets and numbers etc.
My daughter on the other hand, liked workbooks and she had great concentration. But still, a kid after about 15 minutes, of that age, WILL get tired and/or distracted. So let her play.
Play and pretend play is a GREAT source of "learning" too.... so incorporate it into that and make it fun and creative. Have her count her dolls... see how many she has. Let her tell you the dolls' colors of its dresses... etc. Many ways to "teach" a child academics.
Both my kids are bright and like to learn... but not when it is forced or when they are tired and not when I push them. Then it does not work.
try other ways to teach her. When she cries... this is a blunt symptom of it being too much and her just worn out. Stop.
all the best,