I would say it sounds like you have tried the lovey dovey approach and now it is time to be firm. Being firm doesn't have to mean screaming all the time but we are animals and (excuse the comparisian) children need to know who the leader of the pack is. If she running don't chase her that's the game she wants,if she throws food then feeding is over, if she was hungry it would be in her mouth not the floor,get a bed tent if she's getting up,if she screamiong then fine, let her scream ALONE in her room (or designated area, if she's saying "no" then no more open ended questions ie:"do you want a bath" WRONG!!! "do you want to bathe now or after this book"?. It's eay to get wrapped up in always trying to be nice but we can't always be the favorite and the world doesn't work like that. There have to be set in stone rules and of course there are always the rules that are bendable but rules and RESPECT are essential. You are not doing yourself, your child your newborn,your marriage and the public that have to deal with the tantrums any favors by letting her be a brat. Kids only push as long and as far as you let them. Ask yourself if you are enjoying time spent with her then ask yourself if YOU are ready to stop this pattern.