Don't use Zyrtec. If you do some research on it you will see that there are so many side effects that it's not worth it. My daughter was on zyrtec for about 6 months or so. It did help her allergies but, she kept getting more and more aggressive. It got to the point where she was biting kids at daycare over and over every day, they were having to call us to come get her because she was out of control and they could not deal with her, they were telling us she had some sort of aggressive behavioral disorder, the parents of the other kids were getting mad (and I don't blame them), and nothing Nothing we did made any difference. She is in one of the best daycare's in our city, so we knew it wasn't them.
We changed our parenting tactics, we put her to bed earlier we did anything and everything we could think of. She was evaluated by a behavioral specialist and a developmental specialist, developmentally she was way ahead. Behaviorally well... she was having problems and the lady told us to try some things which didn't work. After the second or third time of us going to get her at daycare and just feeling like the worst parents in the world, I looked at what we were doing that might be a cause, besides our parenting.
She was on regular vitamins and zyrtec. So I looked up zyrtec and the first link in google on zyrtec side-effects started listing the exact same things that Alyssa was doing. Some of the parents said their kids ended up with permanent damage and are now on ADHD drugs and all kinds of things. I took her off the Zyrtec and the next day, within 24 hours there was a difference. She stopped biting except very occasionally, she stopped having the severe mood swings and turned back into our normal sweet little girl (except she has a chronic snotty nose). I'd rather have the runny nose. Another side-effect of zyrtec is trouble sleeping. That last day she was on it she had such severe mood swings that she would be happy and smiling and laughing and literally 2 seconds later screaming biting and fighting whoever was closest to her. That was the last time they called us because they could not control her, could not keep her from hurting the other children even when they were standing next to her.
Please don't give your daughter that poor excuse of a treatment. Take it from someone who has been there.
Check out this link: