Hello C.. Iam very sorry to hear of your loss. I dont know if Iam the best person to give you advice at this time but I can share my own experience of having a "still born" baby with you. Last year in November I gave birth to a still born baby boy, named james. He died in utero from a defective heart and I had to have labor induced to deliver him, knowing he was gone allreaddy. The whole thing was a nightmare for me. He is now buried in a Saginaw cemetary, where Iam originally from. From the time I first noticed fetal movement stop to the time of delivery was 2 days. It was like I was in some kind of nightmare and it wasnt all real. It was real enough after I delivered him and had to hand him over to a man at the mortuary. I was told of his condition only 3 weeks prior to him dying. So I only had 3 weeks to come to terms with his impending, possible death. No sooner than I just started realizing his condition, is when he died. It was all very shocking and surreal. Especially when I allreaddy have two very healthy daughters. One is now 18 and my youngest is 14. My doctor told me his defect could be because of my advance maternal age of 37. Though I dont buy all that. Many woman of younger ages, of all ages have complicated pregancys. Well like I said Iam not the best person to give advice because I just turned around and deliberatly got pregnant again, to fill the void. Iam pregnant right now and this time the baby is perfectly healthy and normal. The baby is a girl and she is due March 2nd, 2007. Everything seems to be going ok "but" Iam holding my breath, been this entire pregnancy. Every day Iam scared that something could happen again. This has brung up alot of feelings about loosing james last year. So actually Iam just "now" dealing with his loss. I dont think any one knows just how to deal with something like this. It's probley all on an individual basis. I guess we all have to journey down our own unique road in order for us to come to an understanding of our lost child. Again sorry for you loss. If you want to talk some more let me know...bye for now T. S.