Hi Michelle,
I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that my almost 4 yr old does not have autism but has the same issues and he is almost a year older. I try the reward system.. my son loves Thomas the Train and if he goes 7 days sleeping in his big boy bed he gets a new $10 train. But it could be non monetary items too like a trip to the park etc. Just a suggestion.
I'll say a little prayer for you but just know that you were his Angel that God wanted to care for him and He thought a lot of you obviously. It is hard... when I feel like I'm losing my cool I pretend there is a camera in the room and whatever I do will be broadcast on tv, sounds silly but it helps me be more of the mom I want to be.
Good luck, remember you are the Angel, you can do anything :)
PS: They always act better for dad at his house!