M. O, you sounds seriously depressed, to me. I see from a previous request that you feel you might be depressed. I've been depressed. Fear of getting help is PART of the depression, and it can keep you stuck right where you are. No matter what direction you look, it looks dangerous or hopeless.
Ask yourself how much longer you can endure being stuck in all this anxiety and stress. It is harming you, and it is harming your children – you can be assured that they are experiencing a great deal of stress because of your condition. This can affect them for years if you don't get help. PLEASE see a doctor, take steps to make life better.
And it can get better – really. The one suicide that you know of is frightening, but rare. A far larger number of people get their lives back once they get some medical help.
Please do this. Your children need you to take care of yourself. You know the instructions you get on a plane trip? In case of emergency, parents are supposed to put on their own oxygen masks first? If they don't, they may become too helpless to help their children? Well, right now, your brain is happiness-starved. As a result, you're drowning in misery, and you can't help your children.
GO TALK TO A DOCTOR! That's an order! And pm me and tell me you did it. PLEASE!