If you belong to a church (and even if you don't sometimes) most churches will send people to your house to help with housework, yardwork, childcare, and even bring meals for your family. Also check your automobile insurance coverage, you may be able to get reimbursed for having a housekeeper, landscaper, nanny, etc...as a result of your injuries from the accident. If you know your neighbors, maybe they have teenagers or college students that need a few extra dollars?
I was involved in two really bad accidents two years ago and luckily had some friends and family members that helped me out. Also most importantly make sure you are working to heal your injuries and dealing with the anxiety and emotions that can come along with them, not just masking your pain with painkillers, it will haunt you for much longer if you don't get it taken care of now! Get a good chiropractor and massage therapist then physical therapist after a while, I know really good ones in Lynnwood and Edmonds but could also get you some names in Bothell if you need. You can't take good care of your family without taking care of yourself!
I understand your frustration, it's hard to feel good about anything when nothing is working right! After my accidents we had just moved too and it's hard to unpack when you can't lift, then it just sits there, and sits there...I hope your husband is understanding that you need some support to heal, and that it will be returned if he ever needs it.