She sounds like my 3 year old! :) Have you thought about a sound machine alarm clock? You can set the alarm clock to go off, but using the soothing sounds of the sound machine. That way, she is waking up on her own, with an aid, but you aren't the bad guy and she most likely will get used to that sound being a pleasant experience. I'm thinking Bed, Bath, and Beyond would have something like that. Also, my little girl needs something to focus on, a mission, a job, when she wakes up cranky. I usually have her help with something I know she loves, so it takes her mind off what she is leaving...her bed, her blanket, her stuffed animal "friends". Just some thoughts....I think "morning people" and "night people" are really linked to personality and those qualities show up early! Isn't it great that she has such a peaceful and loving environment that enables her to get that kind of quality sleep? Good Job, Lisa!