hi poeta, follow the advice that beth gave you from lll, avoiding it is best, if you stay alert you can tell when theyre about to bite and avoid it. unless theyre startled by something, that happened to me a few times, or when i would doze off and loosen my hold, and they would kind of bite to hang on. do what you need to do to stay alert. if he does bite, you can do what i did, it worked very quickly... when he bites in any way, take him off immediately with your pinky finger with a stern NO and an angry face (not yelling) and with your hand on his chest to keep him safe, dramatically turn away and dont look at him for a minute or so, no matter how much they protest. my kids hated that, it actually works for lots of things, until theyre about 2! btw, in my opinion you should never ever bite a child, even joking around. they may not pick it up, but they might, and as we all know kids dont understand limits for a while. and a child that learns that biting is ok is a nightmare around other kids, not only behavior-wise, but for their own health and safety as well as the other kids. as teachers, we used to fight over who would not have to have "the biter" in our class. it involves hiv, hepatitis blood tests, notices home, etc etc... dont start it.
good luck, this will pass quickly, dont let it make you give up nursing if you are not ready to do so. take care, D.