Do you mean tumors and your phone got away from you?
Both my younger kids had MRIs when they were five to rule out any structural issues of the brain before we proceeded with the psychiatrist.
Hello I have a 7 year old that has a learning disability and the doctor wants to get him tested for tumors in his brain to eliminate the possibility of tumors or some nephrology problem in his brain. Has anyone been told this by a doctor before?
Yes lol and it did was everything ok with your children because I'm trying to not think about it and pray about it. His dad and I want to do what ever is best for him .
Do you mean tumors and your phone got away from you?
Both my younger kids had MRIs when they were five to rule out any structural issues of the brain before we proceeded with the psychiatrist.
Doesn't sound unreasonable to me. Just a precaution I'm sure. Not sure what the issue is but my son has issues with learning as well and as hard as it is to believe, it was simply a wheat, corn and dairy allergy that had affected him behaviorally. He couldn't focus.
I don't think you mean nephrology - that's kidneys. Do you mean neurology? I think tumors would be very unlikely but our society is so lawsuit-happy that doctors run tons of tests (such as MRIs and CT scans) to rule out everything an anything. If your insurance covers it and you don't think your son will be too stressed out, fine. Otherwise, dietary changes are often very helpful for people who don't want to go through all the tests, all the elimination of entire food groups, and all the stress/trauma for their kids.
I suggest you think of this as another routine test to rule out tumors. Ordering the test does not mean he thinks your son has tumors. I suggest you talk more with the doctor about why he wants the test. When we're anxious we need to ask more questions until we understand.
Even if another child has had a test you won't know any more about your son. Your post doesn't even give enough information to know if that child and your child have a similar condition or taken the same test. You are comparing apples and oranges.
Learning disabilities are too numerous to list. They are talked about on this site often. I've read about them in several places because my grandchildren have learning disabilities. I have not heard of them being caused by tumors. Did the doctor say he was looking for tumors? Many neurological conditions could cause a learning difficulty. Actually, although the cause of many learning disabilities are thought to be caused by a difference in the way the brain works. However, I've only read/been told there is no test to document that cause.
I've had MRI scans of my head because of vertigo. There was no tumor Or other aabnormalities. Yes, I was anxious but I still had them done. I assumed I would be OK. If the scan showed an abnormality there would be a treatment. Because I did not have an abnormality I was given a different treatment than I would have been given. I suggest that knowing and being able to treat a condition is better than not knowing and not knowing how to treat.
I emphasize that unless the doctor said differently this test is to rule out something as a way of making a diagnosis. Your son will be OK!
If the test is several days away, I suggest you call the doctor and ask for reassurance.