At 7 months old I let my first daughter cry it out at night since she was still nursing every 2 hours! The doctor said her weight was enough that she did not truly need it anymore, it was just a habit. I fed her at midnight when I went to bed, then at 2 PM I just let her cry and did not go in (seems cruel now). She cried for 4 hours straight, 4 nights in a row and after that she slept through the night from midnight to about 6 AM. With my second daughter the theory had changed and I used the Ferber method (http://www.amazon.com/Solve-Your-Childs-Sleep-Problems/dp.... He tells you to go in after 5 minutes of crying the first night and not pick up or feed, just soothingly talk or pat their back. The second time you go in you wait 10 minutes, then 15, then 20 etc. The second night you start with going in after 10 minutes, then 15, 20, 25, etc. This method took 14 days before she slept through the night, so a lot more work intensive but somewhat less abrupt since she did get to see me but did not get fed. For naps they had blankets and bears and I just rubbed their backs and sang a song and then left. Seemed to work for both, although the 2nd gave up napping at about 3 years old since there was an interesting toddler walking around that wasn't going to bed. Ferber's book addresses many other sleep issues (night terrors, sleep walking, etc.) Good luck. Cato
They are 12 and 9 now and have no sleep issues at all.