I had the same problem with the bottle. My son would just scream and try to escape when my husband was trying to get him to take the bottle, and I was increasingly stressed about it as the countdown to daycare went on. I would be on the other side of the house and not saying a peep while he tried all sorts of things, the bouncy chair from behind, the football hold etc, but it didn't help. He tried everything. What ended up happening is that we took him to daycare and he still wouldn't take the bottle, but I had to start back at work. It's so different at daycare from at home with you on every level. Different people, different environment, babies all around, different stimili, that he just adjusted to the bottle there at daycare as part of what's normal in that completely different environment. It didn't go great the first day, but he took it a little bit (I was shocked!) and then, of course, he made up the difference nursing with me in the evening! But day 2 was better, day 3 even better. He was completely transitioned to the daycare bottle in just a few days.
After trying with three of four different brands, the one he eventually took to was the First Years Breastflow someone gave you a link on below. But I don't really think that made the difference for my son. I think it was just that he had to eat at daycare, so he did, with the bottle we happened to be trying at the time.
Good luck! My heart goes out to you because it's so frustrating! It's hard enough putting them in daycare let alone thinking she might not eat. Hang in there, Mom!