Too bad the schol system uses the label "special education". They should call it "exceptional education" instead to prevent the stigma attached to it. True, special education includes gifted programs, help and support for ADHD issues, speech, occupational, or physical therapy, behavioral problems, reading difficulties,etc. Students with intellectual delays or autism are just a few pieces of the pie.
I have ADHD and could've used the support and understanding from teachers as a child. Instead, they just shook their heads at me disappointingly as I struggled to complete homework and class assignments. I also tested out as developing normally, but my grades were inconsistent.
Your little one is having trouble with doing well on tests. She may not be motivated for some reason, bored, trying to get attention from you? Maybe she just needs extra time to complete tests? I needed extra time because I couldn't focus on the test items. Does she have to be in special ed to get extra time on tests? I would definately hear the teachers and counselor out at her school, but don't feel pressured to sign your daughter up just yet. Even just sitting next to a responsible peer could help her out. Whwn I was a child, I naturally sought out the smart kids and became friends with them. They kept me on task and reminded me when assignments were due. LOL Wish I could thank them now.
Anyhow, don't sign up for anything until you are 100% comfortable, negotiate with the teachers, and take a look at reasons why she may be seeking attention from you.
Best of luck!