Hi there-
I am so sorry to hear this. What an awful situation for you to be going through. Another Mom posted some thoughts about food banks, etc. In doing a quick search online, it looks like you can go to a local food bank and pick up the items that you need without question but if it's an on-going need, that you will have to qualify. Here are some links:
Additionally, you might contact your local government in Addison for some support. Ask to speak with a Social Worker or a member of Health & Human Services. If they can't help you, they can direct you to someone who can.
I wish I could help you. My resources are very little at this time as well. Is there a possibility that you could drive home (since you are a SAHM) and stay with a member of your family until you get back on your feet and have money for food, diapers, etc.?
Good luck. I hope that someone, who is able to help, comes forward.