Hi C.;
Let me first say that I really feel for you, this situation is all too common, and I'm sorry that it has happened in your family. There isn't really anything that I can tell you that is going to change this, your daughter has to change it herself, that's the problem. He obviously knows what he's doing, and unfortunately she has fallen for it and doesn't know how to get away. Was family the most important thing to her before? Because if it was, then she's definitely going to miss it, especially around holiday's and such. Is there any way that you would be able to bribe her out of the house, with your grandson? Such as telling her you want to take her out shopping, or something like that, it's going to be hard, and I say bribing because if he takes all of the money for his self and his kids, then maybe they'll fall for it because she doesn't get anything for herself. You need to try something like this in order to get her out alone with you so that you two can have a long talk about what's really going on in her life. There are ways to make her break if she's holding something back from you, and you have to try what you can to get her to open back up to you. Guys like this can have such an impact on young women, I don't know why, but I do know that if family was her first priority before he came along, that there's hope she'll eventually see through him. A lot of times young women are scared of leaving because they feel helpless, or the man makes them feel helpless, and they don't want to leave for fear of something. You have to find out what he's got her so afraid of, why does she think he loves her so much? What has he put into her head to make her turn away from her family? Does she think that this is healthy for her son? Does she know that her son is ok, when she's not around? These are all questions that you can ask her, as her mother. You have to get her alone and communicate with her, she will come back, but your going to have to either push her and see what happens, or your going to have to let time run it's course, and let her learn from her own mistakes. The problem is that this is such a delicate situation, while on one hand you may want to give her a swift kick in the rear, and say what the hell are you thinking, on the other hand you have to be very sensitive towards her, because a lot of the time young women will defend the man that they feel they love, they don't want to lose that, and if they feel that your just trying to interfere because you don't like him for some reason, then you'll only push her farther away, and of course this is something that you don't want to happen. Basically, your going to have to figure out the best plan to talk to her, and to get her away from him for an afternoon, you know your daughter better than anyone, she's still the same girl, just trapped in this little make believe world that's he's created for her, she likes that world, and she's afraid of what would happen if she left it, but either you are going to have to help her to see the real world on the other side of her make believe window, or she's going to have to see it for herself. I sincerely hope that this helps, it's hard to give advice on something like this, because you can't see inside the lives of these people, so with that said, I really hope that you can get your daughter away from this guy, they are no good, and I'm sure she can do so much better. You're a wonderful mother and grandmother for being so concerned, and only wanting the best for them, please don't forget that. You take care, and keep us updated. If you ever need to talk you can always message me on here, take care, and good luck.
Just something else, I read what Candace said, and she is so right, that is why I keep stressing the fact that the situation is so delicate, please only ask those questions of your daughter if, and only if, you know that it won't push her further away, that's why I said to plan ahead, there's no better advice than that of someone who has been in those shoes, once again, take care.