My number 1 FAVORITE: Gates, I love gates. They keep my daughter and the dogs out of my kitchen, out of the hallway, and I can be doing something in another room without having to worry about whether or not my daughter is getting into something dangerous. My second favorite: Clamps for floor level cubbards, my toddler loves going into my pan shelves and taking all the pots and pans out so she can play with them. Drives me nuts because they have to be washed every time she does that. My 3rd favorite: door wedges. This is to keep the child in the room without locking them in. the doors in my house were improperly set before i moved in so the doors do not latch at all. I use an old bib to keep the door from being easily opened by little hands and it gives us both quiet time away from each other. (A daily requirement in my household, lol) But those are my three favorites.