J.- Do not let the HELLP syndrome scare you..... If the father of your second is the same as your first, you only have a 8% chance of getting PIH again. This time you will be watched more closely and if you do get PIH, they will induce you before it goes to HELLP. The only people that tend to get to HELLP for the second time are the Lupus patients because it happens so fast for them that the medical world may not catch it in time. You may need to for sure care with an MD instead of CNM, but you can go on to enjoy a pregnancy without any complications. I do tell all girls with previous histories though; enter your pregnancy without any exspectations. Especially the exspectation of working until close to the due date. Just be prepared $ wise, that if the pregnancy turns to bed rest the last couple of months, that you can handle this. Sounds as if you have a great support family wise; so know they may be needed to care for your older child, do household chores (including cooking, dishes & laundry) at the end of the pregnancy. If you end up on bedrest, you are preparred. If not then you were at least ready. Good luck!