Heat Rash? - Orange,CA

Updated on January 12, 2011
M.D. asks from Orange, CA
22 answers

I went to the beach with my fifteen month old yesterday. She was wearing a hat, sunscreen and under an umbrella for the majority of the day. She didnt get a sunburn but developed a rash last night on her face and back. Is this a reaction to the heat? Or sunscreen? Will it just go away on its own?

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all the advice! Today (2 days later) my daughter is much improved with just a little bit of the rash left. She is not bothered by it ( i think), its more bothersome to me because I feel sad for her looking at it!! But, the funny thing is that the rash is kinda coming and going..Yesterday her face was pretty cleared up and then we went in the car and she had a bit of sun on her through the window, by the time we had got to the store, her face seemed to have broken out a bit again (which has not happened before). Anyhow, thanks again for all the tips, lots of ideas to try out to see what might help next time!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Were you very hot? You need that to develop heat rash. If not I would suspect the sunscreen. My daughter had sensitive skin as a child, and broke out in a rash with almost every kind.Try Pro Tec30. You have to buy it on line. It has none of the perservitives and other chemicals that are found in most of the store brands.

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answers from Los Angeles on

POOR BABY!!! I'm so sad for her! You've always used the sunscreen you had on her - maybe it was the coppertone spray you tried of mine. ??? Did you put that one on her face or just shoulders? I'm so sorry! Is it still there today?

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answers from Visalia on

Hi M.,

It could be a reaction from a chemical in the sunscreen which when exposed to the sun, caused the sensitive skin of your baby to develop the rash.

You can go to www.cosmeticsdatabase.com (Skin Deep)to look up all types of personal care products, even childrens to see what their hazard ratings are, any harmful ingredients and what they are, etc.

Please be very careful with your childs skin. Absorption of chemicals into the skin is the number one cause of long term exposure. After finding out what those products contain, I don't even bother with the store brands anymore because you can't trust the manufacturers to be honest about the ingredients in their products. I shop with a store I know I can trust and that manufactures everything I need to run my household, all with safer ingredients.

Hope this helps,


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answers from Visalia on

Heat, sand, sunscreen. All three. Baby's fine.




answers from Los Angeles on

It could very well be a reaction to the sunscreen. Sunscreen contains numerous toxic chemicals; Oxybenzone and Benzophenone to name a couple. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) just reported that 80% of Americans are contaminated with Oxybenzone. Note: contaminated!

Try to find sunscreens without petro-chemicals like the above and propylene glycol, PEG, Ethyl, Methyl, or Poly paraben. Natural food stores carry some good ones without all the toxins.

I posted a blog about the dangers of sunscreen - a must read for everyone who uses it.




answers from Los Angeles on

maybe the sunscreen (if it's a new one that you haven't put on her before). i dont think it's the heat, since the beach stays pretty cool w/the sea breeze and all. my guess would be the sand. with such sensitive baby skin, the wind blowing those little grains of sand may have irritated her skin a bit...?



answers from Las Vegas on

It's from the heat. You can use cortizone ointment to help it along. Try to keep her body at a cooler temp. next time. My son has the same issue.



answers from Los Angeles on

my daughter reacted the same way (rash on her face, back, and torso) when a different sunscreen was put on her while we were on vacation. the doctor said it would eventually go away and just to put calamine lotion on the rash.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.,

I had the same problem with my daughter and still do. the solution is determining which it is (heat rash or sunscreen allergy). If you gave your baby a bath that same night then it's probably a heat rash. if you didn't then it's an allergy to the sunscreen. the best way to test it is to do it again. the next time you go out put on sunscreen and don't give her a bath. if the red bumps appear then it's an irritation to the sunscreen. The only one that works for my daughter is the Neutragena Sensitive Skin sunscreen. I tried everyother kind (even the one for babies and other "sensitive skin" types) but they all gave her the rashes, except for the Neutragena. My daughter is eight and i just figure that this will be the only suncreen to use on her.




answers from San Diego on

I would definitly say its a reaction to sunscreen. My husband has really bad atopic dermatitis and we always have to watch what we buy. especially when he is in the sun. the best one we have found is from a company called Mexitan. they use absolutely no chemicals. it is the only company i have found like this. (i have searched far and wide, because my husband is an avid surfer and in the sun ALOT, we needed to find him something that does not cause allergies and where he won't get burned) we have used it both with great success, no burns, no rashes. it is not oily and works great on all skin types.
( i have recently read that even the Aubrey's brand uses a PABA that has caused allergies for some people. but this Mexitan has only good reviews..... you probably have to buy it through their website.
good luck-



answers from Las Vegas on

Hi M., i had the same thing with my son. It is actually caused by both. The sunscreen didn't allow the pores to release sweat. The heat made the baby sweat. Use a little cortizone after cleaning the area and it should be gone in less than a week. S.



answers from Honolulu on

Poor baby...probably has sensative skin...just keep an eye on her an rub some kind of gentle lotion to keep her moisturized, as she dries she'll get itchy and then she'll start scratching...good luck



answers from Las Vegas on

It could be heat rash or a reaction, either one. The only way you'll be able to tell is to use the same sunscreen again (I'd try a small area first) and see what happens. If she doesn't develop a rash where you used the sunscreen, it was probably heat rash. Most rashes DO go away on their own but if the problem persists for more than 48 hours, I'd call your pediatrician. When my son was a year old he had a horrible reaction to a baby sunscreen and I did some research only to find that many babies/toddlers have even had chemical burns from them. Now I only use Arbonne Baby Care products on both my kids and we haven't had any problems with reactions since. I sell the Arbonne products now, I was so impressed with them. You can contact me if you're interested to try them or you can go to www.arbonne.com and search for a local consultant. My email is ____@____.com. I'm also a stay at home mom of 2 boys, ages 5 and 2. Wouldn't change that for the world!



answers from Honolulu on

Try researching "photosensitivity" in children.
Your daughter mainly got affected in the areas that are more hit directly by the sun- face & back.

Photosensitivity can bring on symptoms like your 15 month old has. Here is a link:

Keep in mind, that even in the "shade" people/children can get affected by the sun or burned. This is "reflective" heat or the sun that reflects off of surfaces etc. We don't "see" UVA or UVB rays... but it's there and I've seen people even get burned on rainy & cloudy days. Some skin types are just more sensitive. People can even get "sun poisoning." My father had this once after a day out fishing. He ended up in the hospital later that day.

In addition to sunscreen, (and if your child is sensitive to creams & things on her skin)- a great thing is to have your child wear SPF protective clothing in the sun. You can find it at Amazon.com Just type in the search word "SPF clothing for children" and many choices will come up. Land's End also has these type of clothing. Here is the link:

In Hawaii, where we live, most children here use these types of clothing, and adults too. It is a highly recommended item to get and wear.

Take her to the Pediatrician, especially if she seems uncomfortable.
Take care,



answers from Los Angeles on

Since this hasn't happened before, you should take her to a pediatrician for a once over. She may need some antihistamine if it is an allergic reaction to sunscreen (which can become a severe reaction over time), sun, or heat rash. Once you know what it is, you'll know how to treat it in the future.



answers from Las Vegas on

It could be either one. I think you should probably take her in and have her pediatrician look at it though -- just to be safe.



answers from Los Angeles on

if its little dots its heat rash and usually will go away after it dries or it could be from the sun screen just switch brands and make you give a bath asap after you get home from the sun



answers from Los Angeles on

The same thing happened to my 7 month old when we were at an afternoon BBQ a couple of weeks ago. I had a hat on her and Aveeno baby sunscreen SPF 55. She had rash on the back of her neck and on her shoulders. It is a heat rash that resolved on it's own. I just made sure to keep her out of the sun for the following week and bathed her.
Hope this helps!



answers from Gainesville on

Heat rash is often a result of hot and humid weathers. You can also try adding baking soda in bathing water, you can place sliced cucumbers to the affected area to relieve itching and discomfort. If you have any rashes prefer to keep in dry by dusting anti bacterial powder.



answers from Los Angeles on

it could be either. My breaks out in a rash with baby sunscreen. but, not the heavy duty sport stuff, go figure. And it could be heat. Or eczema. Does the rash bother her?



answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter began breaking out last summer. I took her to my dermatologist this year. She has had pediatric training. She said to look for lotions with physical blockers, like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. The best brand I found is Blue Lizard (sensitive or baby). It's a little pricey in the small tube, $10 for 3oz.
I plan on ordering the big bottle online from CVS. My daughter is allergic to the oxybenzone. It is adorable hearing my three year old say it. You'll be surprised how many lotions have it once you start looking. Even in one brand it varies. We can buy banana boat kids but only the lotion, the other mediums have the chemical.
The reaction does look like heat rash. The chemical blocks the pores and the heat rash ensues. The difference for my daughter is that with the oxybenzone the rash itches and lasts much longer. She has had one rash since we have switched. It was minimal and gone in one day; unlike the week (on cortizone) before. It also moved down her body, like you had mentioned. Almost as if it was working its way out of her system... which we discovered-it was!
For her comfort, my doctor told me to use aloe, the pure stuff, no fragrance or color.
I hope this helps. It took a year on and off of pediatrician visits to figure it out.



answers from San Diego on

Hi M., it could a combination on both or one or the other, it can also be from wind burn as well depending on the weather. I would give it 48 hours, and if it looks like it is not getting better, take her to her ped. J.

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