Hi, I know that what you are feeling is very scary, because I have been there. I was diagnosed with Mitro Valve Prolapse twenty years ago after a miscarriage. The feeling made me very uncomfortable also. Until one Dr explained it to me and that it would not cause my heart to stop and that it was just basically a leaky valve. He also explained that when I laid down at night that it would race for a few minutes and then it would relax, that it was kinda like shifting a car into neutral. Once I knew what the feeling was and that it truly wouldn't hurt me, it wasn't scary anymore. My husband used to listen to my heart in the bed sometimes and it would beat fine and then skip a beat, but knowing what it was made me able to laugh at him saying "you really do beat to your own drum". Also, being pregnant and sick all the time is probably worrying you and when you worry your heart will race alot more. Mine always does in times of stress. So, try to relax, tell yourself that you know what is causing it and that it will not hurt you and it will get better. Also, exercise even though you don't feel like it will help alot. If I exercise when my heart starts to race, it goes right away. Walking is the best form of exercise for me and preferably outside as it reduces stress. I really do speak from experience and hope that it will help you, the Mitro Valve thing has never caused me any problems except the initial worry. I rarely take any thing like cold medicine or anything that will rev up my system as that can cause it to race.I also avoid caffeine.
I also was very ill with my first and last child, but it went away around three months. I lost 10 pounds with the first one and it had no negative affects on the baby. the baby will get what it needs from you. I could only drink chocolate milk made with Nestle Quik when I was pregnant and couldn't eat anything for the longest time.I hope that you feel better soon. Best wishes!