Hi, have you ever suffered with Anviety or Panic attacks . Well i do and the same thing happens to me. Look into it. And good luck..
I recently had a baby and she is 3 months old and about two weeks ago i started to have heart palpatations out of no where. My mother who is a nurse checked my blood pressure and pulse and it was fine. I notice that if i cough or stand up and walk around they stop its not like they help all day but its mostly when im sitting down and relaxing. I can be an anxious person and alot of people say its very common to have them after giving birth due to hormones and stress, but i was just wondering if anyone else has had them...
Thank you so much for everyone's responses it was really nice knowing that i wasnt the only one with this problem. The palpatations have actually stopped about a week ago (knock on wood) and I am so happy they did. I actually got my period a couple of days after that so i feel that it was mostly my hormones causing them and probablly a little bit of stress. Thanks again for everyones help..
Hi, have you ever suffered with Anviety or Panic attacks . Well i do and the same thing happens to me. Look into it. And good luck..
I've had them and even went to the emergency room, but all of my vital signs were fine. The EKG was normal too. Now I know better and it's anxiety and/or stress. When you are relaxing is your mind racing? Did you have an racing thoughts earlier that day or within the last couple of days. It didn't happen overnight, but eventually I figured out and I try breathing exercises, or try not to worry so much or obsess over little things. Hope this helps. (I also use Relax Now tablets.)
hi! they're probably from anxiety, i get palpitations too, not from just having a baby, but from a car accident years ago. i worked in a dr's office for years & i have had every test imaginable, so if you're not having any other symptoms, i'd say it's just your nerves. if it starts to interfere with the care of your child then i would go see a dr. just to be sure, but i think your mom was right to check you & maybe you're just thinking too much. take it easy. have fun with your new baby. good luck.
Hi, Im new here, but I felt the need to respond to this post. I am a 35 year old mother of 3 wonderful kids. I too have had to palpations, and sever chest pain. I have went to the doctors for it, blood pressure was fine, I had alittle of a temp but nothing to bad and then they found a lump on my breast. They sent me for stress test and ekg, which everything was ok, THANK GOD!! But there are times I still have those pains and palpations. The doctor said it is probably just stress. Over bills, raising kids, making sure you have enough food, you know, your every day worries when your a mom. See our home burned down a year or so ago, and we lost everything, and we are still working to rebuild that, and in the mean time, bills are getting behind,there isnt the food that there should be, I am disabled and my husband works a full time job to try and make ends meet. So my doctor feels it is just stress.
Sorry to babbal on, but I just wanted to say that I too have the same thing.
Let me know if you find out anything!
Im very interested to hear
Mom of 3
Hi M.,
Could definetly be anxiety. I have panic disorder and have experienced these palpitaions. The were worse after pregnancy and around my period. If I were you I would speak with a Dr. and rule out anything physical just to be sure. If it isn't physical there are medications that can help with anxiety. Good luck.
Hi M.,I had the same problem. I went to my doctors a few months ago to get checked out because I was having heart pulpitations all of the time. She told me what can cause them such as caffeine, not getting enough sleep, certain medications, and having too much gas. Well I limited my coffee intake and only have them once in awhile, but when I dont get enough sleep I will have the pulpitations all day long. The doctor said I was perfectly healthy and its common that people can get the pulpitations without having anything wrong. She said if I was getting dizzy or light headed or even passing out when having the pulpitatons then I should call my doctor, but if I dont get those signs then she said not to worry about it. I hope this helps a little.
i had plapatations and my dr put me on a moniter for 24 hours. it was inconveinant, but worrying about them was more of an inconveinace than spending 24 hours fighting with a little box that they strapped to me to find out that i was ok. my dr told me they were caused by stress and hormones. i hope everything turns out ok!!
i have them and have had them several times over in my life. the best thing to do if you're a coffee or soda drinker is cut out the caffine. buy decaffinated coffee, tea and soda. to much of those can bring about the heart palpatations. if on the other hand you do not drink those then i'm not sure what else i can do to help with this. i hope that this little tip has helped you, if not i am sorry that i couldn't be of more help. since i have switched to decaffinated drinks which has been about two to three years ago, i have not had one heart palpation.
Hi M., I can relate to what you're going through. I have had these "heart palpatations" on and off for many many years. When I got married (6 years ago) my husband finally convinced me to see a cardiologist. The cardiologist sent me home with a small hand held heart rate monitor, so when I have one it could be recorded. I finally had one and recorded it, my heart was beating 220 beats per minute, which is very high. My cardiologist told me this was called ( I can't remember the whole name) tachacardia, and that I need to see a specialist ( also can remember what kind sorry!) I saw the specialist and they told me I needed to have a prcedure done called an ablation. I wanted to get pregnant, and they told me to do it before I got pregnant. Needless to say I got pregnant first. I didn't have any palpatations my whole pregnancy, but while I was in the hospital after I had my daughter I had 6 in a row! I had a c-section and the stress of it on my body triggered them. They ended up putting my on the cardiac floor to watch me. I was ok, and was able to go home with my dughter on time, so long as I promised to have an ablation! I had one when my daughter was 3 weeks old and haven't had a single palpatation since! I hope my story helps you! Good Luck!
Hi M.,
Palpitations could be because of stress. I know they can also occur with thyroid problems. I developed hypo-thyroid after the birth of my second child. You might want to see a doctor and have that checked. (It's a simple blood test.)
Good luck!
Hi M. - I had the same thing happening to me - at night when I would lay down. I was taken to a dr and they immediatly hooked me up to an EKG - being that I'm only 33 they were pretty sure it wasn't a heart attack. after explaining a little bit about my history (new mom, full time work, marriage, etc.) the dr concluded that it's actually exhaustion. She said it's the bodies response to being over tired, that when you relax, your body kind of stays in hyper mode. You may want to have it checked just to be sure, but my symptoms were identicle to your. Her advice to me...try to relax more, get some help with the baby and house. Good luck!
M., I have had this happen to me several times. Always when I am trying to relax after a long day. I had it checked out by my doctor and everything turned out to be just fine. You should certainly have it checked out, you don't want to take any unnecessary risks with your health especially now that you have a little one. It might relieve some of your stress also if you know for a fact everything is ok.