My daughter was born with a heart murmur. She is 16 now and still goes to Children's for check-ups every 3 years or so. They are very nice there. I would feel confident about whatever they tell you there. I also had a heart murmur that was discovered when I was 5. I had it still in my 20's but was recently told I finally outgrew it. Neither of our heart murmurs has meant anything except that we had to go for check-ups on a regular basis (every few years). They used to recommend antibiotics when we went to the dentist, but recently they changed that so that only certain rare types of heart problems have to do that. I have noticed that regular doctors will often be quite concerned about a heart murmur (especially my daughter's which was very obvious), but that the heart specialists were not. They like to check it, though, because there are some that need treatment or can cause health problems later. I would go to Children's and they will most likely tell you its fine and come back in a year or so.