I would like to offer my perspective as someone who was born with a heart defect (different from your daughter's though).
If your daughter's health is fine and she is allowed to "be a normal kid" then just treat her as normal and the rest will follow. That is what my parents did. We had yearly visits to the cardiologist and I was aware of my condition and thankfully I didn't not have any complications until I was an adult.
If there are symptoms that need to be looked for when she is playing or something like that, then other parents and teachers need to be aware so your daughter can receive appropriate care if necessary.
I had open heart surgery at 2, 12 and 36 so I grew up with a big scar down the middle of my chest, so basically everyone knew something happened, but I did not hide my scar and I was open with those who asked.
If you want to talk more off line, I'd be happy to.