After I had my first son for breakfast I always ate scrambled eggs or scrambled tofu with A. organic corn tortilla. I know you don't have time to chop veggies but I used to throw some already chopped mushrooms or a piece of cheese in there and throw some salsa on top. Delicious and quick. Sometimes I would have a protein shake or a healthy breakfast drink/shake with no trans fat on mornings when preparing a quick bite was not A. option. Yogurt and granola with some frozen fruit is another option.
For lunch flour tortilla wraps work well and are fast and delicious with some healthy salad dressing. I used to buy roast beef and some cheese put it in the wrap then microwave for a few seconds and then add some lettuce, tomato and ranch or blue cheese, or Italian dressing. The only clean up is the plate you used to eat off of.
I put my son in a bjorn or in the moby so I could make myself something to eat. At that age he slept constantly so I could do stuff like eat and shower. Now that he is a year and sleep is his enemy that doesn't happen anymore. Good luck to you!