Not anything with me personally besides that when I was on BC it made me a witch, hormones were crazy!
I am a health advocate & a Christian, so I figured I'd throw in some info on both. :)
I would NEVER under any circumstance take BC again, nor would I allow my daughter (if I had one). It is synthetic hormones controlling your body. This stuff does effect you down the line, it stays in your system for a while, disrupting your bodies unique own cycle. I was "put" on it to regulate my cycle as a teenager. Knowing what I know now, it was POOR nutrition & eating habits that caused these problems. Too much refined food & chemical additives, & not enough whole foods. Menstruating females should take a great multivitamin (Vita Lea w/ iron), GLA, B complex, Calium/Magnesium/Vitamin D (Osteomatrix), & some Energizing Soy Protein. This will give a healthy foundation & the cramps will be gone! (Calcium is a natural muscle relaxer).
Not to mention that all BC is hostile to fertilized eggs. So if you are pro-life, you need to do research on this on your own. I did. Not all doctors truly know the facts. I was deceived.
My friend was also on that ring thing & she had to have it taken out. It really messed her up. Bleeding & wacky moods.