I, like you, am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason. I went through two pregnancies that ended in stillbirths and I was devastated. We decided that we wouldn't be trying to have any more children. We just couldn't handle the heart ache. God then blessed us with a beautiful baby girl. The pregnancy was not without heardships. I had to be on progesterone supplemental shots for the entire thing, but I feel it was a small price to pay for a healthy baby girl. It isn't common practice to pay such close attention to progesterone, but I fell into a super OB and he followed the pregnancy very closely and we made it through. She was born when I was 42. My aunt had her youngest when she was over 50 and back then it was with absolutely no help. It can be done.
As hard as it was to go through the deaths of two children, I know without a shadow of a doubt that God blessed us. Although I didn't get the chance to raise those babies, I feel they are a blessing beyond my comprehension.
I will add you to may prayers.