i have the pleasure of babysitting my 6 month old grandson during the week. he was a preemie so i took a leave of absence for ayear to acre for him. we started him on solids at 4 months per his pediatrician. i tired cereal but he wouldnt take a spoon well or get it all over him. so we bought a feeder bottle at walmart. it looks like a small bottle but it has a thing in the bottom that you can push up to advance the food. i started making it very watery. also tried mixing applesauce withit and he liked it much better. we did that for several weeks until he took the spoon. we always spoon fed him before trying the cereal. at 5 months he started eating fruits and now veggies. he loves food now so much that he prefers it over the bottle but we still have to make him have his formula because he is still on the 22 calorie stuff so i usualy give him a 4 ounce bottle first then wait 20 minutes and give him the food with juice in between every couple of bites. hope it helps