I can say from experience that two children quite close in age is very different from one child. With the first child it's kind of like playing house. You know, you dress them up in cute clothes and they pretty much go wherever you go. I found with one child although we were close, my life didn't change that much. (and you can almost always get a sitter for one child) With the addition of the second child my whole routine changed. There wasn't much time for long leisurely breast feeding sessions (as the toddler was busy pushing the chair over to the counter to climb up and see what she could get into) I also heard alot of "mommy, baby down" as in put the baby down. I felt alot like the cruise director simply serving their needs. Breakfast, clean up, dress babies, throw on a load of laundry, lunch, clean up, diapers, attempt nap time for both, try to get a shower. wake up from nap, cuddle time, diapers, snack, clean up, (should I try to go for a walk or should I go to the grocery store?) cook dinner, clean up, bath time, story time, crash into bed, wake up two or three times through the night to feed baby or comfort toddler. Next day, start over. That was my monday through friday routine and I worked 12 hour days on the weekend in an ICU. I remember one day a young unmarried co worker asking me what I did all week long. "Don't you get bored?" Ha Ha. You get the picture. Of course I really did not have much help. I was an older mom and I was also caring for a sick parent and I had a older son at home who was a high school student. But, as bad as it sounds though I miss those preschool days. My daughters are now in first and second grade and my son is a senior in college, my father has passed away and I have much more time on my hands. I guess they call it life. Anyway if you really want to increase your family you will have days when you will want to pull your hair out. "Calgon take me away!" but you will experience so much love and create so many beautiful memories it will be well worth it. My advice? Listen to peoples advice but follow your heart, let the house be dirty and go to the park, skip the complicated dinners. (pizza really is a nutritious meal if you serve it with cut up veggies) and throw out all your mirrors! Babies grow up very fast!
J. L.