I don't use iPhoto at all. I also use Photoshop to edit photos and store on external devices.
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ok the main reason i got my MAC was to efficiently organize all the pics and videos. iphoto looked so cool and exciting. I now have LOTS of pics and videos , no space on my hard disk and looking at backing up everything. Whatever i loved about iphoto I am hating it now. I am guilty of taking too many photos and not being very organised, but now that i want to , iphoto is making it so much more difficult.
1. I have created albums on iphoto , but when i export it just exports all the photos(thousands of them) to one folder. I did a quick google search and guess what , iphoto export doesn't maintain the folder structure when exported. Now i got to organize all over again before i backup. and not to mention the extra space it takes to have two copies :(
2. I had edited my photos on iphoto and when exported it just shows the unedited pic - all the cropping , effecs etc was a total waste of time.
3. And the mac doesn't even support the format of my videos(.m2ts). A quick google search tells M. the only way to work with these videos , is to convert to mp4 pr other formats. Seriously, i have 2 yrs of videos in that format for my baby and cant even watch any of those videos. I am yet to use imovie yet.
Anybody know any other application that could help M. here. iphoto is not working for M.! I just want to sort all the pics, export them to a folder organised by year and events(or even better just have one copy on my hard drive instead of two). I want to maintain all my edits on these pics as well. And then I can burn dvds, take prints etc.
Any suggestions moms?
I don't use iPhoto at all. I also use Photoshop to edit photos and store on external devices.
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Iphoto is not real whoopie, i agree. it annoys M. to no end that it won't even resize. (or maybe it will and i just don't know how. i'm so inept that's quite possible.)
but i upload most photos i'm interested in keeping to costco and/or photobucket anyway.
sorry i'm not much help. just wanted to sympathize with not loving Iphoto.
I export nothing. I click and grab and put the edited photo where I want it.
I have no problem organizing my photos with iPhoto. You can merge events. You can split events. You can delete the photos you don't want...
I don't have any issues...
I edit the photos, pull them to my desktop, and upload to snapfish for processing...
PM M. if you need help.
My iPhoto version is rather old so some of my info might not be correct. I do not "export" to folders. Within iPhoto I just create folders and then "drag and drop" groups of photos. You can highlight groups by clicking on the first in a group and then dragging the cursor while holding down the mouse button. The photos you drop into the folders will still appear in the main library but you can easily pop around to the different folders if you are looking for particular pics.
To back up, I dump onto external hard drives occasionally. But mostly I upload photos I am likely to want to keep to Shuuterfly.com Printing my own photos was a PAIN and expensive by the time you add up the photo paper and ink. So I just order through Shutterfly.
For video I use Quick Time Player on my Mac, but to be honest, videos ate up a lot of space on my hard drive so I have a dedicated external storage method. I don't have time to fiddle with videos much so I can't really give you more info. Mine just sit there.
I don't export my photos on iPhoto. I just backup my entire hard drive. When I back up the hard drive, all of the events and edits have remained. Are you getting them all into one folder that says iPhoto Library? If so, try right clicking (or Control clock) and see if you get an option that says show package contents. This should break it out by the different events you have created.