my son was having very bad tummy aches so we took him to the dr they did an x-ray on his belly and he was so backed up that his intire large intestine was full. the dr said to give him Fletcher's laxative for kids ( i got it at Walgreens) 2x a day and we had to come back in 3 days if he hadn't gone by then they were going to "flush" him out because it was that severe. we gave it to him 2x a day (first dose at night before bedtime as suggested by the ped.)and on the second day he was in the bathroom more than he was out. he liked the taste, it tastes like rootbeer. so its not icky to where they don't like to take it. it also is gentle and it didn't cause any stomach craps for him. i know this doesn't help with the anxiety part of it but this stuff works to where she wont be able to hold it in and will atleast get it out so she doesn't have any problems, bryce was holding it also and they said his intestines could have burst if we didn't get it out of him soon. hopefully if she can't hold it in and see's its not that big of a deal to go when it comes out things will get back to normal for her. after we got the major stuff out we used it once a day for the next two days, then once a week for a month. everything was back to normal for him. hopefully this helps! good luck.