My friend sent it to me via email. It was actually pretty funny if you didn't mind the "F" word! :)
I just saw a segment on the Today Show about a book for parents (not kids) called "Go the F**k to Sleep." It sounded hilarious. Just wondering if anyone had read it.
My friend sent it to me via email. It was actually pretty funny if you didn't mind the "F" word! :)
I did. I actually had it emailed to me. I can email it to you if you want to see it. It's kind of funny.
Here's a link. http://freepdfhosting.com/733ae01de0.pdf
It's not for those who mind bad language. And obviously it's NOT for kids.
It's sold on Amazon.com for anyone who is interested.
I bought one for me, one for my bff. I loved the illustrations, and the book was hilarious, I thought. I guess because every parent has felt that way at one point or...1,000, but would never dare to say it aloud (or in cute rhyming ways). It was not "anger" at all, but just making fun of how we all feel when we're so very T I R E D. My husband and I both loved it, and I think it's good for us to have a little giggle about something that could be frustrating, but for some reason with the pretty pictures and messed up humor, it releases the frustration to even whisper the words to each other and giggle when their door is closed. There was no hostility and anger, it was just supposed to make you laugh. It's for PARENTS not children.
You can read the pdf online and it's hysterical!!! I certainly hope copies will be available soon to give to every first time expectant parent I know!
I actually posted a simmilar post on this book and had my post removed about 20 min later just an fyi ... I want a copy I read the little bit amazon gives you and it's sooooooo right for our house; my son has a sleeping disorder!
I did. I'm of the opinion that it's really funny... just don't give it to one of those friends who has to "share" everything with their kids. From their perspective, it's probably very hostile. Lots of swearing and latent anger.
I'm waiting to read it, but from the excerpts it sounds absolutely hilarious! I mean, who among us hasn't wanted to say some form of that sentence to our children at one time or another?
i read it and thought it was great!!
There's a reading of the book on youtube that is hysterical.
OMG. I laughed out loud through the whole thing!
Yes, I actually heard a reading of it on the internet. I thought it was funny. But we are quite irreverent in our house about most everything.
YES! We got our copy this last week. It was for our daughter (20).. She LOVED it. When my husband got home. She had him sit down so she could read it to him.. We laughed so hard because it is so true. The artwork is also fabulous,. I think it would be a great Fathers Day Book!
We used to read dozens of books for our daughter some nights.. We had promised ourselves we would never say no to "1 more book"? This was a promise we made when the Oklahoma city bombing occurred and we heard the young mom, Edye Smith, say her "only regret was not reading the 1 more book" her boys would ask for. Yes, some nights it was a long night with all 3 of us in her bed, but what better way t spend time together?
OMG - I saw a link to this on a website called Fark.com and almost cried from laughing. They had a few pages posted and wow - it really summed up the frustration of getting kiddos to bed. I can't wait to get it.
I believe they'll also be doing the kid friendly version as well :)
Thanks for posting the link SB. I had tried to look it up before and never found the actual pdf, just a bunch of articles about it. OMG, so funny! I love it! I will be sharing with my husband when he gets home tonight :)
Yes. I posted something about it before, but people didn't seem amused. It IS hilarious.
hahahahha, very cute
My husband read it to me off line...it is too funny.
I think though you have to have a quirky sense of humor and realize you would never really read this book to your kids, but oh how there have been nights when you were thinking it.
I just read it via the link that was posted. That was hilarious!! I have 2 friends in particular that have sleeping issues with their kiddos. I just purchased the book for both :)
No, but obvioulsy now I have to! And when I get off work today I'm going to watch it on You Tube. Comedy is a good thing. We could all use a good laugh these days.
Yes, that's pretty hilarious.
Thanks for posting this question, and thanks S.B. for sharing the link. I'm really not big on the "f" word but I am ROLLING. That is one of the funniest things I've ever read!!!! Can't wait to share!