I thought I would add in my 2 cents.
In 2010 I experienced an ectopic pregnancy while I had the Mirena IUD. This was the hardest thing to recover from. After my surgery to stop the bleeding from my tube (which had burst), the surgeon left in my Mirena. A few months later it was removed so we could try for #4.
We KNEW our family was complete (we now have four sons). Therefore, we planned that after I gave birth to son #4, I would have my tubes clamped/tied, which my doctor did within 1 hour of his birth.
Since his birth (and really, the ectopic), my periods have been awful. They come every 20-21 days (first day to first day) and last for a minimum of 7 days. I went to see my doctor and complain. He suggested that I either (1) go on the pill to reduce the periods, (2) have another Mirena put in or (3) have the Essure/uterine ablation procedure. I opted for option #3.
September 25, 2012 I had the surgery. It was a very simple procedure. Recovery was a breeze (and I'm a cry baby). I never even took any pain medications except for 2 Tylenol that evening. Surgery was first thing in the morning, we were home by 10:00 a.m. I took a nap that afternoon and was out and about by dinnertime.
I would do it again in a heartbeat. Except I'll never need to worry about it again. I can't have any more children (which is WONDERFUL news for me) and BONUS...... no more periods for the rest of my life. Yep, you read that right. I haven't had a period since September and it's bliss.
In fact, when I told my MIL about the procedure, she told me how jealous she was that I would be period-free for the rest of my life at such a young age (I'm 33), and there are no hormone replacements.
My sister also had the same procedure (Essure). She had more pain with recovery, but she also had fibroids in her uterus. To date, she has enjoyed almost 4 years without a period and loves it too.
My result is WONDERFUL and I recommend it to all of my friends who are done having kids. If you have even a shadow of a doubt about having more children, you SHOULD NOT have this procedure because it is permanent. However, if you are like me and KNOW that you are D.O.N.E., I would make an appointment today to see your doctor. My husband and I realized that the copays for the surgery would be money saved in buying girl supplies for the rest of my life.
That being said, does anyone need girl supplies? I have a cabinet full of pads, tampons and panty liners that I'll never need again and I'd prefer the cabinet space. Can't bear to throw them away since they are not cheap.