If it is done correctly, it should not be painful. Good luck! The RE that I work for has people take 600 mg of ibuprofen 30 minutes before. You will be fine. :)
I have to go in for a hysterosalpingography (or HSG as my Doctor referred to it as). Has anyone had one? Can you tell me what I can expect or how I can prepare for it?
Thanks so much for any advice or information.
If it is done correctly, it should not be painful. Good luck! The RE that I work for has people take 600 mg of ibuprofen 30 minutes before. You will be fine. :)
Our OB suggested I have one after a year of active TTC and no luck. He told me to take 600-800 mg of Advil about a half hour prior, which I did. It was very quick and relatively painless. I got to watch the balloon go in and then release the dye. I did cramp, but compared to pushing out a baby it was nothing. My tubes were clear, but the procedure proved to be therapeutic as well; we conceived our 2nd beautiful daughter just two weeks after the HGN. Our OB said that is very common since the procedure gets things moving through your tubes. Bottom line is there is nothing ot worry about. Quick and painless (besides the cramping!)
I had one but it was over 30 years ago. What I rmember it wasn't real comfortable and I had cramps howervr no worse then the bad period ones I used to get. I'd hope by this time thye could do things to make you more comfortable during the test and I'm sure they have.
Good luck you'll be fine.
I had one 5 years ago. Made me have contractions and it hurt like hell. My tubes were clear. HOWEVER, my dumb butt didn't take the pain relievers that were offered to me prior. That was stupid. Would have saved me a lot of agony. Take the pain relievers.
I had one. Just take some ibuprofen about an hour before to help with any cramping/discomfort. I did not have any problems or any pain really during mine. You will have some cramping.
Good luck!
I have had one. The reason I had one was to check to see if my tubes were open. Basically it starts like a regular pelvic exam. Dye is injected into the uterus and then it flows into the tubes. I had some cramping like bad menstrual cramps. All I took was ibuprofen.
Good Luck!
Sorry this is on the late side... I had this done twice. They inject a dye through a catheter to make sure your tubes are clear. Putting the catheter in is a bit like being prepped for a pap smear. When they inject the dye, you will feel some mild cramping, but it is not more than a menstrual cramp. Take some ibuprofen before the procedure- that should help some. Good luck!
I had one before I conceived my first child. We had been trying to get pregnant for over a year and my horomone levels were normal, so the doctor suggested this test to see if my tubes were blocked. In my case, the test was pretty painful/uncomfortable, but they did find that one of my tubes was blocked, which probably was the source of the pain, as they tried to get the ink to break through the blockage. The ink did eventually flow through, but it was painful and I experienced serious light-headedness after the procedure. So much so I had to call a friend to pick me up. However, the good thing was, just by doing that test, it cleared up my tube and I conceived that very next month. Had a beautiful baby daughter and then conceived again on the very first month we tried for our son. So I would definitely recommend the procedure...the little bit of discomfort was totally worth it considering my outcome!
Not painful at all! Had one done a few years ago....took Advil before and was fine.
A friend of mine had it done. She said it was the worst. For her, she said it was extremely painful cramping. Another lady told me to avoid it if possible......
The doc wanted to do one on me because I kept miscarrying. But this test is really to look for blockage and I was getting pregnant so it didn't make sense to me. The doc could't give me a good reason to do it either. So I never called them to schdule the test. (However, they called me every other day for a MONTH trying to schedule it. Makes me think it was more about money than helping me......)
I have had it. It's kinda like having a pap exam but you are on an x-ray table. It's a bit uncomfortable, but not painful.
I second everything Caryn F said. It was not painful, I had a little cramping but nothing worse then my period. Just take some Tylenol or ibuprofen before the exam and you should be fine. It i worth it just to find out if anything is wrong with your tubes. We have gone thru all the testing possible to try conceive #2 and all the testing to find out why we keep miscarrying and everything is normal so they have no reason why it happens, but at least we know now that there is nothing more they can do. Its better to know.
Good Luck!
I had the hystersalpingogram...don't know the diffence. But let me tell you, it was VERY painful. I have a high pain tolerance and I was crying during the procedure. However, that month I got pregnant. He said there was no blockage but must have cleared something out! I would take some pain medicine of some sort beforehand. Good luck!
I also had one following our first miscarriage - then a lengthly period of no periods or ovulation. I didn't know about the possibility of cramping and literally doubled over in the car driving home - had to pull over.
I'm not sure if you're having it for medical reasons or to become preegnant ?
Sounds like it's different for everyone - but in my case, I had been taking clomid for two 'cycles' following a month on birth control (to force a period) - and we'd done one round of insemmination. This happened to be in the midst of a second round of clomid - and the 'results' came in to say the 'plan of attack' wouldn't work for us - so they did NOT insemminate that month - and still, I conceived our first son! He's ten in February. I believe it jump-started things by cleaning my tubes a bit, too - . I'd say ask your doc's office what they recommend for cramping - and go with that :) - best of luck !!
I read through the responses, and I heard a lot of the same things before mine. I just wanted to add another tally to the "hurts really bad if you have blocked tubes" column. Both my tubes were blocked and it hurt so bad that I cried through the whole thing. (I normally have a decent pain tolerance.) The dr. then did a laparoscopy with the plan to remove my tubes entirely, but ended up leaving them because they were completely clear. He thought that the HSG procedure cleared the tubes... So some good came from all that pain!
Take some Advil ahead of time. Hopefully your tubes are clear and you'll come through good as gold. Good luck!
I had one a couple of months ago. You really don't need to do anything to prepare. I took tylenol about a half hour or so before the procedure because it can cause some cramping. It didn't hurt me at all, but I have a friend that said it felt like really bad menstrual cramping, so I thought taking some tylenol or ibuprofen would help. When I went in, it was done in the radiology dept of the hospital. They had me undress from waist down, let me cover up with a sheet, and once the doc was there laid on a flat radiology table, they insert a small catheter in, then shoot the dye in, and a minute later you're done! They watch on the screen while they are doing it, so they can tell you right away if they see any blockages or problems. The radiologist read it and the next day they called me with results (but I really already knew them b/c the doctor told me). I think the anticipation of it was worse than the procedure itself! Any questions shoot me a message.