I love facebook and can't imagine deleting my profile. It has been a wonderful way to keep in touch with friends and family. I do not post things everyday and am careful about what I post. I have deleted people or hid them because of the things they posted, but not that many. I enjoy reading about people's vacations, kid's accomplishments and funny stories. I will admit that I have had a few bad experiences in the past, but learned from them. I am careful about what I say and the comments I make. Before I post anything, I think, "Do I want the world to know this?" I do not post controversial, political statements, nor do I comment on them. During the recent election, there was a lot of ugliness. There are a lot of people that use facebook as a forum for their personal agenda, but I just ignore or delete that stuff.
My sister deleted her profile several years ago because old boyfriends were contacting her and it was a problem for her and her husband. I asked her, "Why not just delete these men or never friend them in the first place?" You are not obligated to accept every friend request you receive. I did ask my teenage son to delete his profile (he had nearly 1,500) friends a year ago. Most of them he did not know and there was some awful stuff on it. He created a new profile and is more careful about friending people and what he personally posts. He is required to friend me! I reminded him that colleges and future employers will be looking at his facebook.
Facebook is not that different from participating in this blog. Mamapedia is a little more anonymous, but still can have the same pitfalls if you misuse it.
The only negative facebook has for me is that it can be a big time waster! I love to play games, but would play games in some other format if I didn't have facebook.