I know lots of moms who love this book. That said, it's all trial and error, and each kid is different. Empathy, however, is *never* a bad thing!:)
Anyone tried this method? I just read the book and was wondering if i has worked for any of you mothers?
Worked? Not worked?
I know lots of moms who love this book. That said, it's all trial and error, and each kid is different. Empathy, however, is *never* a bad thing!:)
Read it, got some good tips, used some, my toddler however was NOT the happiest toddler on the block as every child is a maniac and every momma is different and a book could not tell me the divine secrets that I needed to hear.
What I really needed to know is that I wasn't crazy, that I wasn't alone and that consistencey aand patience were the ultimate key to my success. (And an occasional time out for ME!)
I will say that there were some really helpful reminders of some things that I probably already knew in there but needed to have someone point out to me because those "in the moment" moments happen so often, that we fail ourselves and let our emotions get the better of ourselves (or wait - maybe that's our toddler getting to us) so it was nice to have a "plan" going in which created a model of success instead of reaction. So did it work, yes?
Loved happiest baby on the block. Happiest toddler had some good and some strange I thought. We have found the concept of helping our son articulate his emotions VERY helpful. For example - its time to leave the playground and my son has a freak-out - we say things like " You are mad! You wanted to stay at the park longer. But mommy and daddy said it was going to be time to go, so now we are going." Anyway, that works very well for our son to diffuse the situation that you acknowledge his feelings but that we are still doing what mom and dad say. But...we have not started barking at our child in public! lol - but I have to say I understand where he's coming from...I just couldn't go there! :)
use a lot of it but not all. Like the other mom's used a hybrid of the toddlerese- would reflect back the feelingss with some of the same intensity but did not always match her. The playing the fool part totally worked for us and I really like the timeins...
I did not use it in it's entirety but it does have merit!
I haven't done this, but I really liked the Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers. I learned a lot!
Noooo not the toddlerese....My husband and I joke, "That's not a block we'd want to live on". We had several friends go by that book. And, no, their kids were not nice. One couple went on and on about how great the book was (when their kid was just born) Fast forward 4 years. yikes. Yes, it's appealing and non punitive, but the proof is in he pudding. It may work OK for super docile kids (or not, I've never seen it work so I don't know).
Really great resource, took a lot away from the DVD. Really helps you to understand the thoughts/desires of little ones. We have had better luck with baby sign language in relation to avoiding tantrums. But this said, found the teaching to be helpful in understanding our daughter's desire to communicate & calming her when she really wants something.
The only takeaway I had is the fast food approach.
To acknowledge their need, then to state the answer to that need.
I found it really helped my son to ease his frustration. Even when the answer wasn't what he wanted.
Good luck!