Fine motor skills take some kids longer to develop than others. I would do what I could to encourage her to have a pencil, crayon, marker, whatever in her hand as much as possible. Approach it from the artistic end and she might not realize she's working on those fine motor skills. Buy a white board, mount it on the wall and let her play teacher. Coloring books, buy white butcher paper and let her make pictures on it to become a tablecloth, sidewalk chalk, Magna Doodle boards are great. Let her pick up dried beans with tweezers. All those things will help improve those skills.
As for holding the pencil correctly, try buying white plastic practice golf balls, those little whiffle balls with holes all over them. Take a short pencil and push it through the holes. Let her write holding the ball. It forces her to hold the pencil using a pincer grip.
There is a lot you can do that will help her practice those skills without her realizing what she's doing.