Why don't you continue with things as you used to, and still take her out? We did something similar before having kids too, and when our kids came along (only 3 and 4 1/2), we continued. Some of the grandparents and aunts/uncles chose to walk with us, and the others stayed home to pass out the candy. Since the kids are still kind of little for all of that walking, we stay within our own neighborhood, see the people that we know and then head home. They don't need that much candy, but they got to go out, the people who wanted to walk with them did, and my husband and I get to go as well, since we leave others behind to hand out candy. (We also saw a family last year handing out candy as they walked so both parents could walk with the kids and no one was at home.) But no, you are not over reacting...she is your daughter and you (and your husband) should be a part of her big moments...everyone else is secondary. If you can combine both things, that may be best...otherwise, do what you want to do!