Like others have said, vaseline. Spread a thin layer on and then pat on the coffee grounds. I did this as a kid for a costume once.
Hey all you busy Mamas out there! I need to know if anyone of you used coffee grounds to make the 'beard' look and if so what did you use to make the coffee grounds stick? My three girls are in a 'girl band' for Halloween and I'm there manager and thought I'd look a little more dressed up if I at least went as a guy manager! Thanks so much for all your input!
Like others have said, vaseline. Spread a thin layer on and then pat on the coffee grounds. I did this as a kid for a costume once.
You can use Vaseline or eyelash glue.
Good luck and happy Halloween!
I've used eyeliner pencils to draw on a mustache and people thought it was a glued-on mustache from a distance (I was on stage at school). The trick is to get more than one color (various shades of brown or black, depending on your coloring). It was easy to wash off and it didn't smell or feel too yucky.
Burn up some paper and use the ashes -- use maybe a wine cork to stipple on scruff.
Why not try to find a fake beard or just draw one one with eyeliner pencil?
Coffee grinds on skin? The acid would have me rashed up like crazy.
When my son was a pirate, I just drew on a mustache and goatee. It wiped right off with a little cold cream.
You could use some darker foundation or powder to give yourself a 5 o'clock shadow look. At least that wouldn't crumble off.
I hope you get some good advice and have fun.
Um, no.
Sounds messy!
Why not just get a fake beard from a dollar store? They all have tons of costumes and accessories now.
Or draw in 'stubble' with face make-up....
Band managers... can be women, too.
I tried to do it with my son when he was a garbage man last year. The test run went well, but he wouldn't cooperate on Halloween night (he decided it was too silly lol). I used tea leaves (doesn't smell as strong), I just cut open some bags and use Vaseline to make it stick. With our test run it lasted a good while.
The best fake beard I sported was created like this: I put elmer's glue where a beard would be and then sprinkled and pressed hair onto it when the glue became slightly tacky (I just trimmed off 1/2 inch of my head hair - which I needed anyway). It looked real (the glue dries clear), and washed right off in the shower.