Hair Dye for Bfeeding, Hoping to Be Pregnant Again Soon Mom?

Updated on June 09, 2010
J.R. asks from Washington, DC
5 answers

Dear Moms, Sorry for possibly another no-brainer for some of you, but I have gotten mixed advice from friends: I am still bfeeding my 20 month old 2-3 times a day, and hope to get pregnant this winter. Is dying your hair or rinsing it dangerous for bmilk or to a fetus? Are the chemicals dangerous to a new baby's or toddlers skin when they lean on you etc.?

Thank you in advance for any thoughtful input or advice.

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answers from Fort Wayne on

It's not a problem. The chemicals don't get into your skin. The problem with doing it while you're pregnant is the fumes. They have a lot of great products on the market that are low odor. Make sure you do it in a well ventilated area if you do it at home. Don't hold the baby or anything until you get the stuff rinsed out of your hair. I colored my hair through both my pregnancies and while breastfeeding.

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answers from Columbus on

I did a ton of research on this when I got pregnant with my first baby, and never found anything conclusive. I quit dying my hair during that pregnancy, just to be safe, but all it accomplished was that I hated myself in photos! So now that I'm pregnant again, I'm dying my hair like I normally do. It sounds really vain but I'm happier this way! I just make sure to keep the room ventilated so I'm not breathing in lots of fumes. Also I try to dye my hair after my son is in bed so I can wash it thoroughly before he's around me. Once it's washed, there shouldn't be enough left to be any kind of problem. Hope this helps!

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answers from Dallas on

hair dying is not a good idea when you are prego but I don't believe it would effect bf. Just make sure your little one is not around when you do this, the smell which I'm sure isn't plesent will not be good for the little one.

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answers from Anchorage on

Try one of the temporary ones, that way you do not have all the harsh chemicals to worry about.

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answers from Fresno on

I am a salon blonde =), and so I asked my OB this when I was pregnant. He said it is no problem at all! Go right ahead and dye away. Women have been doing this forever and ever with no problems.

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