how far a long are you did the baby drop maybe or shift from sideways to down?
so earlier today i had a sudden onset of really bad lower abdominal pain with real bad lower back pain. there was no bleeding or anything like that. just the two, i wasnt able to move much coz the pain being so bad. it lasted i think an hour or two. it has been gone for a couple hours now so i dont know what to think. i have felt braxton hicks contractions before today and they didnt hurt or anything. my lower back is still sore. baby was real active the entire time and still is. anyone have any ideas?
also i am only about 29 or 32 weeks along. i say this coz my original due date is june 3rd, doc later changed it after ultrasound to june 20th coz she said the baby looked too small to be due the 3rd. but i am only 5'4'' and started the preg at 112 lbs. this is why im kind of scared from it. first baby
I am not really sure what was going on. i was hurting like that for about an hour.
well, i went to the labor/delivery department in my hospital coz the pain came back. nothin serious, was a lil dehydrated and was in preterm labor. actually had random contractions. everything is fine tho, not dilated or anything. i get a day of rest tomorrow instead of working. glad that me n the baby are ok. lil boys been active like crazy all day!
how far a long are you did the baby drop maybe or shift from sideways to down?
If you have had another baby prior to this one, keep a close watch. Sometimes even with the first one you may not get a whole lot of notice. Normally though you will notice some sort of coloring whether reddish or brownish. Keep track of the back pain as you can also have back labor. Time yourself, watch for any signs and if your uncomfortable and it keeps persisting it may be time to go. If not time at least you have peace of mind.
Take care and congratualtions!! Don't leave anything to late especially if you are close to your due date. They say the first usually comes later but thats not always true. If all of a sudden you get a burst of energy and don't know where it came from, it may be time!! Be careful!!
Is the baby resting on your sciatic nerve? My son did that causing me to have horrible lower back pain that would come and go especially my last trimester. He was also a breach baby making things worse as he continued to sit on it even at the end.
Niaomi, it's not uncommon to have two different dates. My dates where exaclty the same way. They originally said Sept 30 but then after my Ultrasound they said Oct 15th. He was born on Oct 14th.
I had an intesene pain when I was two months away. It turns out I was had Labor pains for about a month. My doctor was amazed. Each time I went in I was still at a 2. But it turned out to be nothing, but I called my doctor and I went in. But, yes when ever there is that bad of pain, call your doctor. If you are really worried just go into the ER if you can't get in soon enough.
Always call your OB if you have weird pain. Don't take any chances.
I always recommend you call your doc to be safe. Good luck
I'm sorry, do you not know whether you're 29 or 32 weeks along? Hasn't an ultrasound confirmed your due date? I'm asking only because it's really important to know how many weeks along you are so you can tell a doc if you end up in an emergency labor situation. How they proceed in terms of extra hands on board could matter if you're still over 10 weeks from your due date. I had some lower abdominal pain while pregnant which turned out to be muscles expanding, but it was never debilitating for several hours. I'd get it checked out right away. They will want to stop your labor if they can and the sooner you find out whether it's premature labor the better.
All the best.
I would call the Doctor. Since the pain is gone, I hope it is OK. However just check with your Doctor. It never hurts to call them esp. in this stage of pregnancy.
This is a great site but do not take a chance, call your doctor's office, ask to speak to a nurse and explain the condition to them. they are better prepared to give you good information. It is Friday afternoon so do not put it off and wind up having to go the the ER because the office is closed.
Good time to practice your breathing.
I remember something like this happening to me the morning I ended up going into a 3 week early labor. Did not feel another thing till my water broke..
I was at work when the pain happened. so I just did paper work most of the day. Had to make a business call and had a great lunch. Went home early for the first time since being pregnant and just as I sat down to read the paper, (about 7 hours since that pain) my water broke, again did not feel a thing. I called the Dr and told him about my water breaking, but no contractions, he said to go ahead and head for the hospital. I argued with him about not really being in labor. He told me if I "did not go to the hospital he was going to send a cab to pick me up".. I then realized this was it. My water kept coming and coming, had to sit on a towel in the car. My husband and I were in shock. For another 5 hours even though the nurses said I was having contractions.. Did not feel a thing.
So just rest. May not happen again, but just in case, make sure from now on you are prepared to go to the hospital..
Remember your bag, car seat, music... you know.. get it all together.. Congratulations!
anytime you have pain that is that intense, call your OB right away, if your call is not returned virtually immediateyl, go to an ER. in all likelihood, it was "nothing", but don't take chances with your life or your baby's. i still think you should call your OB and report what happend - your dr will want to know - good luck, and i DO hope it turns out that it was nothing!