Please don't mess with your daughter's ear canals without a doctor's advice. Ear wax is natural, moisturizing, and protective, and for most people is gradually self-cleaning, though some folks do produce more than others. Yellow to brown shades are completely normal.
More wax might conceivably be produced as the result of a head cold or ear infection, but unless it's bothering her, or there's such a huge plug of it that it's affecting your daughter's ability to hear, it's not something that needs treatment at all (and certainly not amateur treatment). Excess wax gradually works its way outward, where a simple Q-tip will take care of it. The wax you see was probably there before the ear infection, and most people can go their whole lives without dealing with wax buildup.
Ear candling is, according to some people in the alternative health community, simply a device to sell a product that's seldom if ever needed. I've known one person who claimed it made his ears feel "wonderful," whatever than meant, but others have said they noticed no difference and it was a real hassle to use. I've never heard any results for drops from actual users. But please don't put stuff in your daughter's ears without talking to your pediatrician. Unintended irritation, or even damage, is possible.