this problem is extremely common.
you can have hemorrhoids around the rectal area but also other places (like vulvar hemorrhoids).
you're baby and belly are getting larger every day. there is pelvic "congestion" as your veins are getting more and more squashed by baby and uterus. venous return (= blood's ability to leave an area of the body, like the pelvic area) is more difficult as time goes on. as a result blood pools in those areas, veins get engorged and purpley in color (and feel like worms), body parts/ body areas get "puffy" in appearance.
hemorrhoids get worse with pressure / pushing (ie, labor --- hence having hemorrhoids at and around delivery time --- also if you are constipated and having to push to have a bowel movement, that can make hemorrhoids develop and/or get worse)
it will all go away -- eventually.
what you should try to do now: avoid pushing/pressure/bearing down.
to do that: soften your stool.
best ways:
---- water, water, water, water - its a natural laxative (most any fluid will do if you don't like plain water - just avoid dehydrating beverages like coffee and alcohol, which hopefully you avoid anyway)
---- fruit and veggies (like prunes, green leafies, citrus)
---- avoid constipating foods (don't put extra-cheese pizza on your menu when you're already constipated) and supplements (like pre-natals with iron; Iron is a huge constipator)
---- Miralax is a very gentle stool softener that can be used daily and you can get it OTC - over the counter
---- If that all fails, talk to your doc about how to get your bowels moving easier
and remember - hemorrhoids OFTEN go away with time. [sorry - I should not have said WILL go away - sometimes, when very severe, they do require surgical removal as noted by "talkstotrees" --- MY BAD!!!
- but do your best to try to diminish and prevent them to avoid surgery]