We are 3 adults and a 4 year old. My oldest daughter doesn't always eat everything I buy, although she does have her share. I spend anywhere from $80 - $100 per week. I usually shop at Fresh and Easy, using their coupon and buying their sale items.
When fresh veggies are on sale, I buy them. When tomatoes are too ripe, I toss them in the freezer and chop 1 or 2 of them up and toss it in almost everything I cook. If you run cold water of the frozen tomato and twist the skin it pops right off.
Bell peppers, celery, and onion, I chop ahead of time and put it in a zip lock and toss it in the freezer, separately. When I need it, it is already chopped and I usually pinch off a section and toss it in the pot. If they are on sale, I buy all 12 of them, chop and freeze. I pay next to nothing for them!
If I have a coupon from Fresh and Easy, that means shop. One never knows when the they will stop sending them and they do from time to time. If I don't need $30 or $50 worth of groceries, I buy bottled juice, chips, ketchup, etc. As long as it stores, I buy it and we eventually eat it.
While I used to throw away all the ripe tomatoes, I now almost never have a need to buy canned tomato sauce ~ savings!
I have always preferred Del Monte or Heinz Ketchup. I tried the Fresh and Easy brand for half the price and thought it taste like Del Monte. Then tried a Tomato Vine brand that was just as good ~ saved even more!
I have found that many off brand laundry detergents don't suds up and don't seem to work, but I have found Roma detergent found at Big Lots works just fine. I tried to look it up to see if it was a generic for a name brand, but didn't find anything. $2/bag. I keep a name brand detergent on hand for whites and blacks, as soaps can leave a bleach stain on the blacks if you are not careful. If nothing else, the off brand will work well for towels, rags, sheets, and play clothes, provided there are no allergies.
I have seen people try to stretch the dish soap by adding a little bit of water. Big Lots has a dish soap for $1. It is orange like the Ajax. Once half the bottle of Ajax is used, I add the $1 dish soap and mix them. The $1 soap works just fine, but is a bit more runny and it is not so bad when mixed.
Costco now has a business center. They sell a lot of the same items or industrial items, but in bulk. If I can buy it in bulk and use it before the expiration, I buy it. As long as you can afford the bulk price, it is almost always the way to go. They also sell a liquid dish soap in a bottle, for much less than the Ajax or Joy in the sqeezy bottle.
My husband is a smoker. It is nearly $5/pack. I buy a carton at a time at Costco and pay $4.30/pack. $7 savings!
As well, Costco prices gas at $0.05 less than surrounding gas stations within a 5 mile radius. I work near one Costco and live near another. The one closer to my work is cheaper, that is where I fill up. I save about $8 per fill up, every 8 days.
I can see approximately $30 savings per week, with the examples I provided. That would be $1,560 for the year, less the $100 executive member Costco annual membership fee.
Every little bit does count!