EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Poor S.! I feel for you! Really! That is no fun! Aren't pets grand? I love mine but sometimes, oh my! Here's a story to make you feel better about your stain: When my son was in the hospital this winter my teenage daughter called up there to tell me that our dear little (Insert curse word here) Jack Russell Terror (oops I mean TERRIER) got into a walmart sack of year old easter candy, long forgotten in our closet, and she ate ALL the candy - wrappers and all - then puked and crapped ALL over our bedroom. Thank you for that welcome home!!! Alot of mess!!! It was more puke and poo than carpet let me tell you. It was awful. I swear by Resolve (It is the POWDER one sold at walmart that has a brush attached to it). It works for me really well. BUT, for grease I don't know it might work but just in case not, I went to my favorite little "help me" cleaning site. Here it is and there is stuff on there about getting grease out of carpet. Yay! Here's the link: http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf466377.tip.html.
Hope you get it out! I am sure you will find something that will work! Good luck!!!